
“How Many Times Do People Lie in a Day?”
The Great Voice. WJR Michigan Radio,
December 2023.

“Professor Christian B. Miller - "The Character Gap: How Good Are We?”
Pangburn Universe. December 2023.

“How Often Do We Lie?”
The Academic Minute, WAMC Northeast Public Radio, December 2023. Also in Inside Higher Ed, December 2023.

“Honesty: The Philosophy and Psychology of a Neglected Virtue.”
New Books Network, November 2023.

“Lies, Lies, and More Lies.”
ABC Radio (Australia) with Lisa Pellegrino, November 2023.

“How Much Lying Do You Do in a Day?”
Mornings with Simi, Radio Global News 980 CKNW, October 2023.

“Christian Miller – The Virtues of Generosity and Patience.”
The Dissenter Podcast, August 2023.

“The Character Gap – Christian B. Miller.”
Cross and Gavel Podcast, February 2023.

“Self-Sacrifice with No Afterlife May Be More Valuable.”
The Analytic Christian Podcast, February 2023.

“The Four Cardinal Virtues.”
Iowa Catholic Radio Network, January 2023.

“Christian Miller: What Is Honesty?”
Christ and Culture Podcast, Center for Faith and Culture, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, January 2023.

“Christian Miller - Honesty: The Philosophy and Psychology of a Neglected Virtue.”
The Dissenter Podcast, November 2022.

“What Does It Mean To Be Virtuous Now?”
Unsiloed Podcast, September 2022.

“Honesty: The Lost Virtue; How it Benefits You by Benefitting Others.”
Seize the Moment Podcast, June 2022.

“We’re Not as Good (Or Bad) as We Think We Are: Christian Miller.”
Tokens Podcast and Nashville Public Ratio, September, 2022.

“Cultivating the Virtue of Honesty.”
Experimental Honesty Podcast, August, 2022.

“Christian Miller on Cultivating Character and Honesty.”
Michael W. Austin, July 2022.

“I’m a Good Person, Right?”
Veritas Live Interview, June 2022.

“I’m a Good Person....Right?”
Beyond the Forum. Veritas Forum Podcast, May 2022.

"The Character Gap: Dr. Christian Miller"
Q Ideas Podcast, April 2022.

"Is Human Nature Sinful"
Watchers Of The Skies Podcast, April 2022.

"The Philosophy of Honesty (with Christian Miller)"
Free Thoughts Podcast, February 2022.

Collaborative Inquiries Podcast, February 2022.

"Situationism with Christian Miller."
The Free Will Show Podcast, November 2021.

"Christian Miller discusses Virtue and Character."
Elucidations Podcast, October 2021.

"The Philosophy of Character with Christian Miller."
The Rewired Soul Podcast, September 2021.

"We’re Not as Moral as We Think."
Eudaimonia Radio, September 2021.

"A Conversation with Dr. Christian Miller on the Virtue of Honesty."
WeeklyTech Podcast, August 2021.

"Character and the Virtue of Honesty with Christian Miller."
The London Lyceum Podcast. August 2021.

"Honesty and Character."
Sacred Science on Jewish Live. March 2021

“Professor Christian Miller.”
Conversation on Character Podcast, February 2021

“Why Honesty Matters.”
The Lisa Show. BYU Radio. February 2021

“Christian Miller on Character.”
Stoa, November 2020.

“How Important is Character? Dr. Christian Miller.”
Tactical Faith Podcast, November 2020.

"What is Truth"
NPR's Public Morality, October 2020.

“The Virtue Illusion: Are You as Good as You Think You Are?”
Micro-Digressions: A Philosophy Podcast, August 2020.

“You are (Probably) not a Good Person.”
Free Thoughts Podcast, July 2020.

“The Character Gap, with Christian Miller.”
Give & Take Podcast, July 2020.

“Our Moral Character.”
Read Learn Live Podcast, July 2020.

“Building Character with Christian Miller.”
The Investor's Podcast Network: The Good Life Podcast, April 2020.

“Character and the Virtue of Honesty with Christian Miller.”
The London Lyceum Podcast, April 2020.

“On Character with Christian Miller.”
Thales’ Well Podcast, April 2020.

“The Character Gap. Are We as Good as We Think We Are?”
American Viewpoints, February 2020.

"Interview with Dr. Christian B. Miller"
Character Matters Podcast, November 2019.

“People are Mixed Bags with Christian Miller.”
The Moral Science Podcast, November 2019.

“Building Character that Bends Towards Mystery with Christian Miller.”
Contemplify Podcast, November 2019.

“A Conversation with Christian Miller: Is Character in Decline in America?”
The Bends Towards Justice Podcast, September 2019.

“How Good Are We Really? With Christian Miller.”
The Psychology Podcast, August 2019.

“The Character Gap with Dr. Christian Miller.”
The Classical Ideas Podcast, August 2019.

“What Does It Mean to be ‘Good’?”
ABC’s The Minefield, August 2019.

“What Do We Really Mean by ‘Moral Character’?”
The Psych Central Show, March 2019.

“Christian Miller on the Character Gap.”
Philosophy Bites, February 2019.

“The Character Gap, Our Moral Flaws, and How to Improve Them.”
The Dissenter Podcast, February 2019.

"Character: A Conversation with Christian Miller.”
The Political Philosophy Podcast, December 2018.

“Christian Miller: The Character Gap.”
Thinking Aloud, BYU Radio, December 2018.